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楼主  发表于: 2009-12-25 11:27

 Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Six Volume Set

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Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Six Volume Set

By Cristian Contescu, Karol Putyera
Publisher:   CRC
Number Of Pages:   4800
Publication Date:   2008-11-24
IN-10 / ASIN:   0849396395
IN-13 / EAN:   9780849396397
Product Description:
Award-Winning Nano Encyclopedia Continues to Pace the Field
With its original publication, the Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology immediately became the reference against which all other nano references are measured. Noting that the encyclopedia was being assembled by leading authorities at an early stage in the field’s development, Sir Harry Kroto, 1996 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, rightfully predicted that the encyclopedia would bring together key advances in a “coherently organized framework.”Continuing to cover the field as no other resource, the seven volume second edition crosses disciplines to examine fundamental nano principles, theories, and methodologies, as well as the latest information on nano-relevant properties. It also covers advances in nanoscale engineering, newly developed simulation tools, and emerging computational methods. It’s available both in print and as a fully searchable online version.

Among other accolades, this million-dollar bestseller has gone on to win an Outstanding Academic Book Award from CHOICE magazine.
set of 387 PDF files with bookmarks and links (from CRC), RAR'd to 18*50,000,000+23,809,934 bytes
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