级别: 院长
UID: 87329
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发帖: 211
威望: 20 点
愚愚币: 112 YYB
贡献值: 0 点
在线时间: 3(小时)
注册时间: 2010-03-08
最后登录: 2021-06-08
楼主  发表于: 2013-12-14 14:11


2013年12月5日讯 /SciFans.net/ --最近伦敦皇家自由医院的医生正在测试一种能够避免肝病患者常见副作用的设备。这种设备能够帮助肝病患者排出腹腔内积存的腹水。目前这一设备还主要用于肝硬化的患者。这种设备一方面能够为肝病患者争取肝移植的时间,另一方面还能够减轻肝部压力,以促进肝部功能的恢复。
Patients at the Royal Free Hospital in London are testing a device that provides relief from a common side-effect of liver disease.
The pump siphons off excess fluid that can build up in the abdomen after liver failure and diverts it to the bladder so it can be urinated out.
A liver transplant may be the only option for patients with cirrhosis.
Doctors say the pump could buy time and may even allow the liver to recover, avoiding the need for a transplant.
So far eight patients at the Royal Free have had one fitted.
The Alphapump sits beneath the skin of the abdomen and is connected to two all tubes that do the siphoning.
When patients have cirrhosis, the liver and kidneys stop working properly and fluid, known as ascites, can accumulate.
Litres of fluid can gather inside the abdominal cavity, making the patient appear pregnant as well as being painful.
Patients may have to make weekly or monthly trips to hospital to have the fluid drained.
Rajiv Jalan, professor of hepatology at University College London's institute for liver and digestive health at the Royal Free, is the doctor running the trial.
He said: "With cirrhosis, patients can accumulate litres and litres of fluid. They might need to come to hospital fortnightly to have up to 20 litres drained from their tummy.
"The pump can avoid this by draining about 15 millilitres every 15 minutes. It means they'll pass a little bit more urine but they can turn the pump off at night.
"It can improve quality of life for patients and keep them out of hospital for longer."


