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hzyzqq 2010-03-01 19:42

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杨:Hi, guy, why are you down in the dumps?
嘿,伙计,为什么垂头丧气的。 李:Don’t mention it, Mr ith is quite a conservative man.
别提了, ith先生太保守了。 杨:Your boss Mr. ith? What happened?
你的老板ith先生? 发生了什么事情? 李:I spoke some dirty jokes during lunch, but he stared me out when others were laughing.
中午吃饭的时候我讲了些黄色笑话, 别人都在笑得时候他却盯着我看,看得我慌了神。 杨:Ha-ha, never mind, I think he just pretends to be conservative.
哈哈,别介意, 我认为他只是假装很保守。 李:Really? Why do you say so?
真的吗?你为什么这么说? 杨:Well, I met him once in a bookstore and he was buying Lady Chatterley's Lover.
我在书店碰到过他一次,他在买查泰莱夫人的情人。 李:Lady Chatterley's Lover?Is there any special of this book?
查泰莱夫人的情人? 这本书有特别之处吗? 杨:Of course, it is a book talking a lot about sex. Actually it is a famous book in erotic literature.
当然了, 其中有很多描写性的内容。事实上这是文学中很出名的一本书。 李:Oh, it is so ridiculous. People who feel shame on talking about sex are keen on reading erotic literature which mainly describing sex. Erotic literature, tease who on earth?

baiyisheng15 2010-03-08 13:58

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